
Avatars are a BootstrapVue custom component, and are typically used to display a user profile as a picture, an icon, or short text. <b-avatar> provides several props for customizing its appearance such as color variant and roundness, and optionally supports acting as a button, link or router link.

Available in BootstrapVue since v2.8.0


Avatars are lightweight components, which render inline by default, so that they are vertically centered beside any adjoining plain text. They also can be used as children of other components.

    <p>Using stand-alone:<p/>
    <div class="mb-4">
      <b-avatar variant="primary" text="BV"></b-avatar>
      <b-avatar variant="info" src="https://placekitten.com/300/300"></b-avatar>
      <b-avatar variant="success" icon="people-fill"></b-avatar>
    <p>Using in components (list group) example:<p/>
    <b-list-group style="max-width: 300px;">
      <b-list-group-item class="d-flex align-items-center">
        <b-avatar class="mr-3"></b-avatar>
        <span class="mr-auto">J. Circlehead</span>
      <b-list-group-item class="d-flex align-items-center">
        <b-avatar variant="primary" text="BV" class="mr-3"></b-avatar>
        <span class="mr-auto">BootstrapVue</span>
      <b-list-group-item class="d-flex align-items-center">
        <b-avatar variant="info" src="https://placekitten.com/300/300" class="mr-3"></b-avatar>
        <span class="mr-auto">Super Kitty</span>
      <b-list-group-item class="d-flex align-items-center">
        <b-avatar variant="success" icon="people-fill" class="mr-3"></b-avatar>
        <span class="mr-auto">ACME group</span>

<!-- b-avatar.vue -->

Avatar types

The avatar content can be either a an image, an icon, or short text string. Avatar content defaults to the 'person-fill' icon when no other content is specified.

You can also supply custom content via the default slot, although you may need to apply additional styling on the content.

Image content

Use the src prop to specify a URL of an image to use as the avatar content. The image should have an aspect ratio of 1:1 (meaning the width and height should be equal), otherwise image aspect distortion will occur. The image will be scaled up or down to fit within the avatar's bounding box.

  <div class="mb-2">
    <b-avatar src="https://placekitten.com/300/300"></b-avatar>
    <b-avatar src="https://placekitten.com/300/300" size="6rem"></b-avatar>

<!-- b-avatar-src.vue -->


  • When using a module bundler and project relative image URLs, please refer to the Component img src resolving reference section for additional details.
  • The src prop takes precedence over the icon and text props.
  • 2.11.0+ If the image fails to load, the avatar will fallback to the value of the icon or text props. If neither the icon or text props are provided, then the default avatar icon will be shown. Also, when the image fails to load, the img-error event will be emitted.
  • Variant colors when using images not normally visible, unless the image fails load. The variant will affect the focus styling when the image avatar is also an actionalble avatar.

Icon content

Easily use one of BootstrapVue's icons as the avatar content via the icon prop. The prop should be set to a valid icon name. Icons will scale respective to the size prop.

  <div class="mb-2">
    <b-avatar icon="people-fill"></b-avatar>
    <b-avatar icon="star-fill"></b-avatar>
    <b-avatar icon="music-note"></b-avatar>
    <b-avatar icon="star-fill" size="4em"></b-avatar>

<!-- b-avatar-icon.vue -->


  • When providing a BootstrapVue icon name, you must ensure that you have registered the corresponding icon component (either locally to your component/page, or globally), if not using the full BootstrapVueIcons plugin.
  • The icon prop takes precedence over the text prop.
  • If the text, src, or icon props are not provided and the default slot has no content, then the person-fill icon will be used.

Text content

You can specify a short string as the content of an avatar via the text prop. The string should be short (1 to 3 characters), and will be transformed via CSS to be all uppercase. The font size will be scaled relative to the size prop setting.

  <div class="mb-2">
    <b-avatar text="BV"></b-avatar>
    <b-avatar text="a"></b-avatar>
    <b-avatar text="Foo"></b-avatar>
    <b-avatar text="BV" size="4rem"></b-avatar>

<!-- b-avatar-text.vue -->

Custom content

Use the default slot to render custom content in the avatar, for finer grained control of its appearance, or if using custom icons or SVGs e.g.:


Multi-line text example:

  <div class="mb-2">
    <b-avatar size="4em">Hello<br>World</b-avatar>
    <b-avatar size="4em">你好<br>世界</b-avatar>

<!-- b-avatar-default-slot-multi-line.vue -->


  • The default slot takes precedence over the text, src and icon props.
  • The default slot content will be wrapped in a <span> element to ensure proper centering.
  • You may need additional styling applied to the custom content to compensate for the shape of avatar component.



Use the variant prop to specify one of Bootstrap theme variant colors. The default variant is secondary.

    <b-avatar variant="secondary"></b-avatar>
    <b-avatar variant="primary"></b-avatar>
    <b-avatar variant="dark"></b-avatar>
    <b-avatar variant="light"></b-avatar>
    <b-avatar variant="success"></b-avatar>
    <b-avatar variant="danger"></b-avatar>
    <b-avatar variant="warning"></b-avatar>
    <b-avatar variant="info"></b-avatar>

<!-- b-avatar-variant.vue -->

If you have defined additional custom variants via SASS theming variables, the custom variants will also be available to use.


By default, avatars are sized to 2.5em (which is relative to the current font size). You can change the size of the avatar by changing the current font size, or use the prop size to specify an explicit size. The sizes sm, md and lg default to 1.5em, 2.5em and 3.5em. Numbers get converted to pixel values. Any other value must include the units (such as px, em, or rem).

    <b-avatar size="sm"></b-avatar>
    <b-avatar size="lg"></b-avatar>
    <b-avatar :size="24"></b-avatar>
    <b-avatar size="3em"></b-avatar>
    <b-avatar size="72px"></b-avatar>

<!-- b-avatar-size.vue -->

Note: Avatars are always rendered with an aspect ratio of 1:1.


Prefer a square avatar? simply set the square prop to true.

    <b-avatar square></b-avatar>

<!-- b-avatar-square.vue -->


<b-avatar> renders with a circular border radius. You can change the rounding by setting the prop rounded to one of the values true, 'sm', 'lg', 'top', 'left', 'right', or 'bottom'. When set to true (or the empty string ''), it uses the Bootstrap default of medium rounding.

    <b-avatar rounded="sm"></b-avatar>
    <b-avatar rounded></b-avatar>
    <b-avatar rounded="lg"></b-avatar>
    <b-avatar rounded="top"></b-avatar>
    <b-avatar rounded="left"></b-avatar>
    <b-avatar rounded="right"></b-avatar>
    <b-avatar rounded="bottom"></b-avatar>

<!-- b-avatar-rounding.vue -->


  • The square prop takes precedence over the rounded prop.
  • Alternatively to to the square prop, you can set the rounded prop to the string '0' to achieve a square avatar.


By default <b-avatar> will be vertically centered with its adjoining content. In some cases you may want to alter the alignment, such as ensuring that a text-only avatar aligns its text with the adjoining text. Simply set a vertical alignment utility class on the component, such as <b-avatar class="align-baseline" ...> or <b-avatar class="align-top" ...>, etc.

Actionable avatars

Easily create avatars that respond to clicks, or avatars that change the URL/route when clicked. Actionable avatars will appear in the document tab sequence, and are accessible for both screen reader and keyboard-only users.

Image avatars, when actionalble, employ a basic scale transform on the image when hovered.


Want to trigger the opening of a modal or trigger an action? Set the button prop to instruct <b-avatar> to render as a <button> element. When rendered as a button, the component will emit the click event whenever clicked.

      <b-avatar button @click="onClick" variant="primary" text="FF" class="align-baseline"></b-avatar>
      Button Text Avatar
      <b-avatar button @click="onClick" src="https://placekitten.com/300/300"></b-avatar>
      Button Image Avatar
      <b-avatar button @click="onClick" icon="star-fill" class="align-center"></b-avatar>
      Button Icon Avatar

  export default {
    methods: {
      onClick() {
        this.$bvModal.msgBoxOk('User name: Fred Flintstone', {
          title: 'User Info',
          size: 'sm',
          buttonSize: 'sm',
          okVariant: 'success',
          headerClass: 'p-2 border-bottom-0',
          footerClass: 'p-2 border-top-0'

<!-- b-avatar-button.vue -->

The prop button-type can be used to control the type of button to render. Supported values are 'button' (the default), 'submit', or 'reset'.

Fancy an avatar as a link or router link? Simply set either the href or to props (respectively). The to prop can either be a string path, or a Location object. The to prop requires that Vue router (or equivalent) be installed.

      <b-avatar href="#foo" variant="primary" text="FF" class="align-baseline"></b-avatar>
      Link Text Avatar
      <b-avatar href="#bar" src="https://placekitten.com/300/300"></b-avatar>
      Link Image Avatar
      <b-avatar href="#baz" icon="star-fill" class="align-center"></b-avatar>
      Link Icon Avatar

<!-- b-avatar-href.vue -->


  • The button prop takes precedence over the href and to props.
  • For additional details on the <router-link> compatible props, please refer to the Router support reference section.

Badge avatars


Easily add a badge to your avatar via the badge prop or 'badge' slot, and the badge variant can be set via the badge-variant prop. The badge will scale with the size of the avatar.

    <b-avatar badge></b-avatar>
    <b-avatar badge badge-variant="danger" src="https://placekitten.com/300/300"></b-avatar>
    <b-avatar badge badge-variant="warning" icon="people-fill"></b-avatar>
    <b-avatar badge badge-variant="success" src="https://placekitten.com/300/300"></b-avatar>
    <b-avatar badge badge-variant="dark" text="BV"></b-avatar>
    <b-avatar square badge badge-variant="dark" text="BV"></b-avatar>

<!-- b-avatar-badge.vue -->

Badge content

Add textual content to the badge by supplying a string to the badge prop, or use the named slot 'badge'.

    <b-avatar badge="BV"></b-avatar>
    <b-avatar badge="7" variant="primary" badge-variant="dark"></b-avatar>
    <b-avatar badge-variant="info" src="https://placekitten.com/300/300">
      <template #badge><b-icon icon="star-fill"></b-icon></template>

<!-- b-avatar-badge-content.vue -->

Badge positioning

By default the badge appears on the bottom right of the avatar. You can use the badge-top and badge-right boolean props to switch the sides. Combine both props to move the badge to the top right of the avatar.

    <b-avatar badge></b-avatar>
    <b-avatar badge badge-left></b-avatar>
    <b-avatar badge badge-top></b-avatar>
    <b-avatar badge badge-left badge-top></b-avatar>

<!-- b-avatar-badge-position.vue -->

Use the badge-offset prop to control the offset of the badge. The badge-offset must be a valid CSS length string (i.e. '2px', '-2px', '0.5em', etc.). Positive values will move the badge inward, while negative values will move the badge outward.

    <b-avatar badge></b-avatar>
    <b-avatar badge badge-offset="-0.5em"></b-avatar>
    <b-avatar badge badge-offset="-2px"></b-avatar>
    <b-avatar badge badge-offset="2px"></b-avatar>
    <b-avatar badge badge-top></b-avatar>
    <b-avatar badge badge-top badge-offset="-0.5em"></b-avatar>
    <b-avatar badge badge-top badge-offset="-2px"></b-avatar>
    <b-avatar badge badge-top badge-offset="2px"></b-avatar>

<!-- b-avatar-badge-offset.vue -->

Avatar groups


Group multiple avatars together by wrapping them in a <b-avatar-group> component:

    <b-avatar-group size="60px">
      <b-avatar text="BV" variant="primary"></b-avatar>
      <b-avatar src="https://placekitten.com/300/300" variant="info"></b-avatar>
      <b-avatar text="OK" variant="danger"></b-avatar>
      <b-avatar variant="warning"></b-avatar>
      <b-avatar src="https://placekitten.com/320/320" variant="dark"></b-avatar>
      <b-avatar icon="music-note" variant="success"></b-avatar>

<!-- b-avatar-group.vue -->


  • The variant, square and rounded props on <b-avatar-group> will take precedence over the respective props on individual avatars.

Group size

To size the avatars, use the prop size on <b-avatar-group>. The size prop accepts the same type of values as the size prop on <b-avatar>. Note that the size prop will be ignored on individual avatars when they are placed inside a <b-avatar-group>.

    <b-avatar-group size="5rem">

<!-- b-avatar-group-size.vue -->

Group variant

Use the variant prop to color all child avatars in the <b-avatar-group>. Note that the variant prop, when set, will override the the variant specified on individual avatars.

    <b-avatar-group variant="success">
      <b-avatar variant="info"></b-avatar>

<!-- b-avatar-group-variant.vue -->

Group rounding

Similar to the variant prop, the <b-avatar-group> props square and rounded take precedence over the respective props on individual child avatars.

    <b-avatar-group rounded="lg">

<!-- b-avatar-group-rounded.vue -->

Group overlap

By default child avatars inside a <b-avatar-group> will overlap by a factor of 0.3 (relative to the size of the avatar). You can control the overlap amount by setting the overlap prop to a value between 0 and 1, where 0 means no overlap and 1 means 100% overlap.

    <b-avatar-group overlap="0.65">

<!-- b-avatar-group-overlap.vue -->


Use the aria-label prop to provide an accessible, screen reader friendly, label for your avatar. If you have a badge, it is recommended to add inforation to your aria-label regarding the badge purpose or content (i.g. '3 messages', 'online', etc.).

While the click event is emitted regardless if the button, href, or to props are set, it is highly recommended to use the button prop when the click event should trigger an action (or use the to or href props when changing routes or changing URLs) for accessibility reasons.

Implementation notes

Avatars are based upon <b-badge> and <b-button> components, and as such, rely upon Bootstrap's badge-* and btn-* variant classes, as well as the rounded-* utility classes.

<b-avatar> also requires BootstrapVue's custom CSS for proper styling.

Component reference




All property default values are globally configurable.

(Click to sort Ascending)
(Click to sort Ascending)
String<router-link> prop: Configure the active CSS class applied when the link is active. Typically you will want to set this to class name 'active'
String'avatar'Value to place in the 'alt' attribute for image and icon avatars
Booleanfalse<router-link> prop: Setting append prop always appends the relative path to the current path
StringSets the value of `aria-label` attribute on the rendered element
Boolean or StringfalseWhen `true` shows an empty badge on the avatar, alternatively set to a string for content in the badge
BooleanfalseWhen `true` places the badge at the left instead of the right
StringCSS length to offset the badge. Positive values move the badge inwards, while negative values move the badge outwards
BooleanfalseWhen `true` places the badge at the top instead of the bottom
String'primary'Applies one of the Bootstrap theme color variants to the badge
BooleanfalseWhen set to `true`, renders the avatar as a button
String'button'Type of button to render (i.e. `button`, `submit`, `reset`). Has no effect if prop button is not set
BooleanfalseWhen set to `true`, disables the component's functionality and places it in a disabled state
Booleanfalse<router-link> prop: The default active class matching behavior is inclusive match. Setting this prop forces the mode to exactly match the route
String<router-link> prop: Configure the active CSS class applied when the link is active with exact match. Typically you will want to set this to class name 'active'
String<b-link> prop: Denotes the target URL of the link for standard a links
StringIcon name to use for the avatar. Must be all lowercase. Defaults to `person-fill` if `text` or `src` props not provided
Booleanfalse<nuxt-link> prop: To improve the responsiveness of your Nuxt.js applications, when the link will be displayed within the viewport, Nuxt.js will automatically prefetch the code splitted page. Setting `no-prefetch` will disabled this feature for the specific link
Booleannull<nuxt-link> prop: To improve the responsiveness of your Nuxt.js applications, when the link will be displayed within the viewport, Nuxt.js will automatically prefetch the code splitted page. Setting `prefetch` to `true` or `false` will overwrite the default value of `router.prefetchLinks`
Stringnull<b-link> prop: Sets the `rel` attribute on the rendered link
Booleanfalse<router-link> prop: Setting the replace prop will call `router.replace()` instead of `router.push()` when clicked, so the navigation will not leave a history record
Boolean or StringfalseSpecifies the type of rounding to apply to the avatar. The `square` prop takes precedence. Refer to the documentation for details
String<b-link> prop: BootstrapVue auto detects between `<router-link>` and `<nuxt-link>`. In cases where you want to use a 3rd party link component based on `<router-link>`, set this prop to the component name. e.g. set it to 'g-link' if you are using Gridsome (note only `<router-link>` specific props are passed to the component)
Number or StringSize of the avatar. Refer to the documentation for details
BooleanfalseDisables rounding of the avatar, rending the avatar with square corners
StringImage URL to use for the avatar
String'_self'<b-link> prop: Sets the `target` attribute on the rendered link
StringText to place in the avatar
Object or String<router-link> prop: Denotes the target route of the link. When clicked, the value of the to prop will be passed to `router.push()` internally, so the value can be either a string or a Location descriptor object
String'secondary'Applies one of the Bootstrap theme color variants to the component

<b-avatar> supports generating <router-link> or <nuxt-link> component (if using Nuxt.js). For more details on the router link (or nuxt link) specific props, see the Router support reference section.


badge v2.12.0+Content to place in the avatars optional badge. Overrides the `badge` prop
default Content to place in the avatar. Overrides props `text`, `src`, and `icon-name`


  1. event - Native Event object
Emitted when the avatar is clicked when rendered as a button or link. Not emitted otherwise
img-error v2.11.0+
  1. event - Native Event object
Emitted if an image `src` is provided and the image fails to load




All property default values are globally configurable.

Number or String0.3Floating point number specifying the amount of overlap where `0` is no overlap and `1` is 100% overlap
Boolean or StringfalseSpecifies the type of rounding to apply to the child avatars. The `square` prop takes precedence. Refer to the documentation for details
StringSize of all the child avatars. Refer to the documentation for details
BooleanfalseDisables rounding of the child avatars, rendering each avatar with square corners
String'div'Specify the HTML tag to render instead of the default tag
StringApplies one of the Bootstrap theme color variants to all child avatars


default Content (avatars) to place in the avatar group

Importing individual components

You can import individual components into your project via the following named exports:

Named Export
Import Path


import { BAvatar } from 'bootstrap-vue'
Vue.component('b-avatar', BAvatar)

Importing as a Vue.js plugin

This plugin includes all of the above listed individual components. Plugins also include any component aliases.

Named Export
Import Path


import { AvatarPlugin } from 'bootstrap-vue'