Form Tags

Lightweight custom tagged input form control, with options for customized interface rendering, duplicate tag detection and optional tag validation.

Available in BootstrapVue since v2.2.0

Tags are arrays of short strings, used in various ways such as assigning categories. Use the default user interface, or create your own custom interface via the use of the default scoped slot.

Basic usage

Tags will have any leading and tailing whitespace removed, and duplicate tags are not permitted. Tags that contain spaces are permitted by default.

Tags are added by clicking the Add button, pressing the Enter key or optionally when the change event fires on the new tag input (i.e. when focus moves from the input). The Add button will only appear when the user has entered a new tag value.

Default render:

    <label for="tags-basic">Type a new tag and press enter</label>
    <b-form-tags input-id="tags-basic" v-model="value"></b-form-tags>
    <p class="mt-2">Value: {{ value }}</p>

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        value: ['apple', 'orange']

<!-- form-tags-example.vue -->

You can disable adding a new tag when pressing Enter via the no-add-on-enter prop, and enable adding a tag on the input's change event via the add-on-change prop.

Tag creation using separators

To auto create tags when a separator character is typed (i.e. Space, ,, etc.), set the separator prop to the character that will trigger the tag to be added. If multiple separator characters are needed, then include them as a single string (i.e. ' ,;'), or an array of characters (i.e. [' ', ',', ';']), which will trigger a new tag to be added when Space, ,, or ; are typed). Separators must be a single character.

The following example will auto create a tag when Space, ,, or ; are typed:

    <label for="tags-separators">Enter tags separated by space, comma or semicolon</label>
      separator=" ,;"
      placeholder="Enter new tags separated by space, comma or semicolon"
    <p class="mt-2">Value: {{ value }}</p>

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        value: ['one', 'two']

<!-- form-tags-separator.vue -->

Last tag removal via backspace keypress

When the prop remove-on-delete is set, and the user presses Backspace (or Del) and the input value is empty, the last tag in the tag list will be removed.

    <label for="tags-remove-on-delete">Enter new tags separated by space</label>
      :input-attrs="{ 'aria-describedby': 'tags-remove-on-delete-help' }"
      separator=" "
      placeholder="Enter new tags separated by space"
    <b-form-text id="tags-remove-on-delete-help" class="mt-2">
      Press <kbd>Backspace</kbd> to remove the last tag entered
    <p>Value: {{ value }}</p>

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        value: ['apple', 'orange', 'grape']

<!-- form-tags-remove-on-delete.vue -->

Styling Options

Several props are available to alter the basic styling of the default tagged interface:

Prop Description
tag-pills Renders the tags with the appearance of pills
tag-variant Applies one of the Bootstrap contextual variant theme colors to the tags
size Set the size of the component's appearance. 'sm', 'md' (default), or 'lg'
placeholder The placeholder text for the new tag input element
state Sets the contextual state of the control. Set to true (for valid), false (for invalid), or null
disabled Places the component in a disabled state

For additional props, see the component reference section at the bottom of this page.

The focus and validation state styling of the component relies upon BootstrapVue's custom CSS.

    <label for="tags-pills">Enter tags</label>
      separator=" "
      placeholder="Enter new tags separated by space"
    <p class="mt-2">Value: {{ value }}</p>

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        value: ['apple', 'orange', 'grape']

<!-- form-tags-style-options.vue -->

Using with native browser <form> submission

The value of the tagged input will not be submitted via standard form action unless you provide a name via the name prop. When a name is provided, <b-form-tags> will create a hidden <input> for each tag. The hidden input will have the name attribute set to the value of the name prop.

The hidden inputs will also be generated when using custom rendering (when the name prop is set).

Tag validation

By default, <b-form-tags> detects when the user is attempting to enter a (case-sensitive) duplicate tag, and will provide integrated feedback to the user.

You can optionally provide a tag validator method via the tag-validator prop. The validator function will receive one argument which is the tag being added, and should return either true if the tag passes validation and can be added, or false if the tag fails validation (in which case it is not added to the array of tags). Integrated feedback will be provided to the user listing the invalid tag(s) that could not be added.

Tag validation occurs only for tags added via user input. Changes to the tags via the v-model are not validated.

    <b-form-group label="Tags validation example" label-for="tags-validation" :state="state">
        :input-attrs="{ 'aria-describedby': 'tags-validation-help' }"
        separator=" "

      <template #invalid-feedback>
        You must provide at least 3 tags and no more than 8

      <template #description>
        <div id="tags-validation-help">
         Tags must be 3 to 5 characters in length and all lower
         case. Enter tags separated by spaces or press enter.

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        tags: [],
        dirty: false
    computed: {
      state() {
        // Overall component validation state
        return this.dirty ? (this.tags.length > 2 && this.tags.length < 9) : null
    watch: {
      tags(newValue, oldValue) {
        // Set the dirty flag on first change to the tags array
        this.dirty = true
    methods: {
      tagValidator(tag) {
        // Individual tag validator function
        return tag === tag.toLowerCase() && tag.length > 2 && tag.length < 6

<!-- b-form-tags-validation-feedback.vue -->

Detecting new, invalid, and duplicate tags

The event tag-state will be emitted whenever new tags are entered into the new tag input element, tags that do not pass validation, or duplicate tags are detected. The event handler will receive three arrays as its arguments:

  • validTags (tags that pass validation)
  • invalidTags (tags that do not pass validation)
  • duplicateTags (tags that would be a duplicate of existing or validTags).

The event will be emitted only when the new tag input changes (characters are entered that would be considered part of a tag), or when the user attempts to add a tag (i.e. via Enter, clicking the Add button, or entering a separator). The three arrays will be empty when the user clears the new tag input element (or contains just spaces).

If you are providing your own feedback for duplicate and invalid tags (via the use of the tag-state event) outside of the <b-form-tags> component, you can disable the built in duplicate and invalid messages by setting the props duplicate-tag-text and invalid-tag-text (respectively) to either an empty string ('') or null.

    <label for="tags-state-event">Enter tags</label>
      placeholder="Enter tags (3-5 characters) separated by space"
      separator=" "
    <p class="mt-2">Tags: {{ tags }}</p>
    <p>Event values:</p>
        <li>validTags: {{ validTags }}</li>
        <li>invalidTags: {{ invalidTags }}</li>
        <li>duplicateTags: {{ duplicateTags }}</li>

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        tags: [],
        validTags: [],
        invalidTags: [],
        duplicateTags: []
    methods: {
      onTagState(valid, invalid, duplicate) {
        this.validTags = valid
        this.invalidTags = invalid
        this.duplicateTags = duplicate
      validator(tag) {
        return tag.length > 2 && tag.length < 6

<!-- b-form-tags-tags-state-event.vue -->

Limiting tags

If you want to limit the amount of tags the user is able to add use the limit prop. When configured, adding more tags than the limit allows is only possible by the v-model.

When the limit of tags is reached, the user is still able to type but adding more tags is disabled. A message is shown to give the user feedback about the reached limit. This message can be configured by the limit-tags-text prop. Setting it to either an empty string ('') or null will disable the feedback.

Removing tags is unaffected by the limit prop.

    <label for="tags-limit">Enter tags</label>
    <b-form-tags input-id="tags-limit" v-model="value" :limit="limit" remove-on-delete></b-form-tags>
    <p class="mt-2">Value: {{ value }}</p>

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        value: [],
        limit: 5

<!-- b-form-tags-limit.vue -->

Custom rendering with default scoped slot

If you fancy a different look and feel for the tags control, you can provide your own custom rendering via the default scoped slot. You can either create your own tags, or use our helper <b-form-tag> component.

Scope properties

The default scoped slot provides numerous properties and methods for use in rendering your custom interface. Not all properties or methods are required to generate your interface.

The default slot scope properties are as follows:

Property Type Description
addButtonText String The value of the add-button-text prop
addButtonVariant String The value of the add-button-variant prop
addTag Function Method to add a new tag. Assumes the tag is the value of the input, but optionally accepts one argument which is the tag value to be added
disableAddButton Boolean Will be true if the tag(s) in the input cannot be added (all invalid and/or duplicates)
disabled Boolean true if the component is in the disabled state. Value of the disabled prop
duplicateTagText String The value of the duplicate-tag-text prop
duplicateTags Array Array of the duplicate tag(s) the user has entered
form String v2.20.0+ The value of the form prop
inputAttrs Object Object of attributes to apply to the new tag input element via v-bind="inputAttrs". See below for details
inputHandlers Object Object of event handlers to apply to the new tag input element via v-on="inputHandlers". See below for details
inputId String ID to add to the new tag input element. Defaults to prop input-id. If not provided a unique ID is auto-generated. Also available via ''
inputType String v2.3.0+ Type of input to render (normalized version of prop input-type)
invalidTagText String The value of the invalid-tag-text prop
invalidTags Array Array of the invalid tag(s) the user has entered
isDuplicate Boolean true if the user input contains duplicate tag(s)
isInvalid Boolean true if the user input contains invalid tag(s)
isLimitReached Boolean v2.17.0+ true if a limit is configured and the amount of tags has reached the limit
limitTagsText String v2.17.0+ The value of the limit-tags-text prop
limit String v2.17.0+ The value of the limit prop
noTagRemove Boolean v2.21.0+ The value of the no-tag-remove prop
placeholder String The value of the placeholder prop
removeTag Function Method to remove a tag. Accepts one argument which is the tag value to remove
required Boolean v2.20.0+ The value of the required prop
separator String The value of the separator prop
size String The value of the size prop
state Boolean The contextual state of the component. Value of the state prop. Possible values are true, false or null
tagClass String, Array, or Object The value of the tag-variant prop. Class (or classes) to apply to the tag elements
tagPills Boolean The value of the tag-pills prop
tagRemoveLabel String Value of the tag-remove-label prop. Used as the aria-label attribute on the remove button of tags
tagVariant String The value of the tag-variant prop
tags Array Array of current tag strings

inputAttrs object properties

The inputAttrs object contains attributes to bind (v-bind) to the new tag input element.

Property Type Description
disabled Boolean The disabled attribute for the new tag input. Value of the disabled prop
form String The form attribute for the new tag input. Value of the form prop
id String the id attribute for the new tag input
value String The value attribute for the new tag input

The inputAttrs object will also include any attributes set via the input-attrs prop. Note that the above attributes take precedence over any of the same attributes specified in the input-attrs prop.

inputHandlers object properties

The inputHandlers object contains event handlers to bind (v-on) to the new tag input element.

Property Type Description
change Function Event handler for the input element change event. Accepts a single argument of either an event object or a string. Change will trigger adding the tag.
input Function Event handler for the input element input event. Accepts a single argument of either an event object or a string. Updates the internal v-model for the new tag input element
keydown Function Event handler for the input element keydown Enter and Del events. Accepts a single argument which is the native keydown event object

The change handler, when needed, must be enabled via the add-on-change prop, otherwise it is a noop method.

Using native browser inputs

The scope contains attributes and event handlers that can be directly bound to native <input> or <select> elements.

The following example includes the suggested ARIA attributes and roles needed for screen-reader support.

    <b-form-tags v-model="value" no-outer-focus class="mb-2">
      <template v-slot="{ tags, inputAttrs, inputHandlers, addTag, removeTag }">
        <b-input-group aria-controls="my-custom-tags-list">
            placeholder="New tag - Press enter to add"
            <b-button @click="addTag()" variant="primary">Add</b-button>
          class="list-unstyled d-inline-flex flex-wrap mb-0"
          aria-relevant="additions removals"
          <!-- Always use the tag value as the :key, not the index! -->
          <!-- Otherwise screen readers will not read the tag
               additions and removals correctly -->
            v-for="tag in tags"
            :id="`my-custom-tags-tag_${tag.replace(/\s/g, '_')}_`"
            class="mt-1 mr-1"
            body-class="py-1 pr-2 text-nowrap"
            <strong>{{ tag }}</strong>
              :aria-controls="`my-custom-tags-tag_${tag.replace(/\s/g, '_')}_`"

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        value: ['apple', 'orange', 'banana', 'pear', 'peach']

<!-- form-tags-custom-native.vue -->

Using custom form components

The scope contains attributes and event handlers that can be directly bound to most custom inputs or select components (the event handlers accept either a string tag value or a native event object). Any component that emits input as characters are typed, and (optionally) emits change when the input value changes (i.e on blur or select), and uses the prop value as the v-model, should work without modification.

In this example, we are using the <b-form-tag> helper component, but feel free to render tags using standard HTML or components.

    <b-form-tags v-model="value" no-outer-focus class="mb-2">
      <template v-slot="{ tags, inputAttrs, inputHandlers, tagVariant, addTag, removeTag }">
        <b-input-group class="mb-2">
            placeholder="New tag - Press enter to add"
            <b-button @click="addTag()" variant="primary">Add</b-button>
        <div class="d-inline-block" style="font-size: 1.5rem;">
            v-for="tag in tags"
          >{{ tag }}</b-form-tag>

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        value: ['apple', 'orange', 'banana']

<!-- form-tags-custom-components-input.vue -->

The following is an example of using a custom select component for choosing from a pre-defined set of tags:

    <b-form-group label="Tagged input using select" label-for="tags-component-select">
      <!-- Prop `add-on-change` is needed to enable adding tags vie the `change` event -->
        <template v-slot="{ tags, inputAttrs, inputHandlers, disabled, removeTag }">
          <ul v-if="tags.length > 0" class="list-inline d-inline-block mb-2">
            <li v-for="tag in tags" :key="tag" class="list-inline-item">
              >{{ tag }}</b-form-tag>
            :disabled="disabled || availableOptions.length === 0"
            <template #first>
              <!-- This is required to prevent bugs with Safari -->
              <option disabled value="">Choose a tag...</option>

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        options: ['Apple', 'Orange', 'Banana', 'Lime', 'Peach', 'Chocolate', 'Strawberry'],
        value: []
    computed: {
      availableOptions() {
        return this.options.filter(opt => this.value.indexOf(opt) === -1)

<!-- b-form-tags-components-select.vue -->

If the custom input is using custom event names that mimic input and change, and/or needs the .native modifier for keydown, you can do something similar to below to bind the event handlers:

<template #default="{ inputAttrs, inputHandlers, removeTag, tags }">
  <template v-for="tag in tags">
    <!-- Your custom tag list here -->

The inputHandlers.input handler must be bound to an event that updates with each character entered by the user for the as-you-type tag validation to work.

Advanced custom rendering usage

In situations where the inputHandlers will not work with your custom input, or if you need greater control over tag creation, you can take advantage of the additional properties provided via the default slot's scope.

    <b-form-checkbox switch size="lg" v-model="disabled">Disable</b-form-checkbox>
      class="mb-2 mt-2"
      placeholder="Enter a new tag value and click Add"
      <template v-slot="{tags, inputId, placeholder, disabled, addTag, removeTag }">
          <!-- Always bind the id to the input so that it can be focused when needed -->
            <b-button @click="addTag(newTag)" :disabled="disabled" variant="primary">Add</b-button>
        <b-form-invalid-feedback :state="state">
          Duplicate tag value cannot be added again!
        <ul v-if="tags.length > 0" class="mb-0">
          <li v-for="tag in tags" :key="tag" :title="`Tag: ${tag}`" class="mt-2">
            <span  class="d-flex align-items-center">
              <span class="mr-2">{{ tag }}</span>
                remove tag
        <b-form-text v-else>
          There are no tags specified. Add a new tag above.

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        newTag: '',
        disabled: false,
        value: []
    computed: {
      state() {
        // Return false (invalid) if new tag is a duplicate
        return this.value.indexOf(this.newTag.trim()) > -1 ? false : null
    methods: {
      resetInputValue() {
        this.newTag = ''
      formatter(value) {
        return value.toUpperCase()

<!-- form-tags-custom-components-advanced.vue -->

The following is an example of using the <b-dropdown> component for choosing or searching from a pre-defined set of tags:

    <b-form-group label="Tagged input using dropdown" label-for="tags-with-dropdown">
      <b-form-tags id="tags-with-dropdown" v-model="value" no-outer-focus class="mb-2">
        <template v-slot="{ tags, disabled, addTag, removeTag }">
          <ul v-if="tags.length > 0" class="list-inline d-inline-block mb-2">
            <li v-for="tag in tags" :key="tag" class="list-inline-item">
              >{{ tag }}</b-form-tag>

          <b-dropdown size="sm" variant="outline-secondary" block menu-class="w-100">
            <template #button-content>
              <b-icon icon="tag-fill"></b-icon> Choose tags
            <b-dropdown-form @submit.stop.prevent="() => {}">
                label="Search tags"
              v-for="option in availableOptions"
              @click="onOptionClick({ option, addTag })"
              {{ option }}
            <b-dropdown-text v-if="availableOptions.length === 0">
              There are no tags available to select

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        options: ['Apple', 'Orange', 'Banana', 'Lime', 'Peach', 'Chocolate', 'Strawberry'],
        search: '',
        value: []
    computed: {
      criteria() {
        // Compute the search criteria
      availableOptions() {
        const criteria = this.criteria
        // Filter out already selected options
        const options = this.options.filter(opt => this.value.indexOf(opt) === -1)
        if (criteria) {
          // Show only options that match criteria
          return options.filter(opt => opt.toLowerCase().indexOf(criteria) > -1);
        // Show all options available
        return options
      searchDesc() {
        if (this.criteria && this.availableOptions.length === 0) {
          return 'There are no tags matching your search criteria'
        return ''
    methods: {
      onOptionClick({ option, addTag }) {
        addTag(option) = ''

<!-- b-form-tags-dropdown-example.vue -->

Creating wrapper components

You can easily create a custom wrapper component with your preferred rendering style as follows:

  <b-form-tags :value="value" @input="$emit('input', $event)">
    <template v-slot="{ tags, addTag, removeTag, inputAttrs, inputHandlers }">
     <!-- Place your custom rendering here -->

  import { BFormTags } from 'bootstrap-vue'

  export default {
    name: 'MyCustomTags',
    components: { BFormTags },
    model: {
      prop: 'value',
      event: 'input'
    props: {
      value: {
        type: Array,
        default: () => []

<b-form-tag> helper component

BootstrapVue provides the helper component <b-form-tag>, for use with the default scoped slot of <b-form-tags>. The component is based upon <b-badge> and <b-button-close>.

<b-form-tag> supports the same variants as <b-badge> and also supports pill styling. Sizing is based on the containing element's font-size.

The remove event is emitted when the <b-form-tag> remove button is clicked.

Tags that are too wide for their parent container will automatically have their text content truncated with an ellipsis. For this reason, it is always good practice to supply a title via the title prop when using the default slot of <b-form-tag> for the tag content.

Note <b-form-tag> requires BootstrapVue's custom CSS/SCSS for proper styling.

Component reference



Component aliases

<b-form-tags> can also be used via the following aliases:

  • <b-tags>

Note: component aliases are only available when importing all of BootstrapVue or using the component group plugin.


All property default values are globally configurable.

(Click to sort Ascending)
(Click to sort Ascending)
String'Add'Text for the built in 'Add' button. Slot `add-button-text' takes precedence
String'outline-secondary'Applies one of the Bootstrap theme color variants to the 'Add' button
BooleanfalseWhen set, enables adding the tag on the input's 'change' event
BooleanfalseWhen set to `true`, attempts to auto-focus the control when it is mounted, or re-activated when in a keep-alive. Does not set the `autofocus` attribute on the control
BooleanfalseWhen set to `true`, disables the component's functionality and places it in a disabled state
String'Duplicate tag(s)'The message when duplicate tags are detected. Set to an empty string to disable the message
StringID of the form that the form control belongs to. Sets the `form` attribute on the control
StringUsed to set the `id` attribute on the rendered content, and used as the base to generate any additional element IDs as needed
Array or String'.b-form-tag button input select'Ignore certain elements from the click to focus input routine, specified by css selector(s)
Object{}Additional attributes to apply to the new tag input element
Array or Object or StringClass (or classes) to apply to the new tag input element
StringID to apply to the new tag input element. If not provided, a unique ID will be auto generated
String'text'Specifies the type of input to use: 'text', 'email', 'tel', 'url', or 'number'. Default is 'text'
String'Invalid tag(s)'The error message when invalid tags are detected. Set to an empty string to disable the message
NumberThe maximum amount of tags that can be added. The limit can still be exceeded if manipulated outside of the component
String'Tag limit reached'The message when the limit is reached. Set to an empty string to disable the message
StringSets the value of the 'name' attribute on the form control. When set, creates a hidden input for each tag
BooleanfalseWhen set, disables adding the tag on the input's 'keydown.enter' event
BooleanfalseWhen set, disables the focus styling of the component root element
BooleanfalseWhen set, the tags will not have a remove button
String'Add tag...'Sets the 'placeholder' attribute value on the form control
BooleanfalseWhen set, enables removal of last tag in tags when user presses delete or backspace and the input is empty
BooleanfalseAdds the `required` attribute to the form control
Array or StringSeparator character(s) that will trigger a tag to be created
StringSet the size of the component's appearance. 'sm', 'md' (default), or 'lg'
BooleannullControls the validation state appearance of the component. `true` for valid, `false` for invalid, or `null` for no validation state
Array or Object or StringClass (or classes) to apply to the tags
BooleanfalseMakes the built in tags have a pill appearance
String'Remove tag'The value of the 'aria-label' attribute on the remove button in the tag
String'Tag removed'Label for the aria-live region that announces removed tag(s) to screen reader users
FunctionOptional tag validator method. Passed a single argument of tag being added. Should return 'true' if the tag passes validation, or 'false' if the tag cannot be added
String'secondary'Applies one of the Bootstrap theme color variants to the tags
Array[]Array of current tags. This is the v-model




add-button-text NoContent to place in the built in 'Add' button. Takes precedence over the 'add-button-text' prop. Not used when the default scoped slot is provided
default Slot to override the default rendering of the tags component


  1. value - Array of current tags
Emitted when the tags changes. Updates the v-model
  1. validTags - Array of new tag(s) added (or that will be added). Will be zero length if no tags added
  2. invalidTags - Array of tag(s) that can not added because they did not pass validation. Will be zero length if no invalid tags
  3. duplicateTags - Array of tag(s) that can not added because they would be a duplicate tag. Will be zero length if no duplicate tags
Emitted when tags in the user input are parsed



Component aliases

<b-form-tag> can also be used via the following aliases:

  • <b-tag>

Note: component aliases are only available when importing all of BootstrapVue or using the component group plugin.


All property default values are globally configurable.

BooleanfalseWhen set to `true`, disables the component's functionality and places it in a disabled state
StringUsed to set the `id` attribute on the rendered content, and used as the base to generate any additional element IDs as needed
BooleanfalseWhen set, the tag will not have a remove button
BooleanfalseMakes the tag have a pill appearance
String'Remove tag'The value of the 'aria-label' attribute on the remove button in the tag
String'span'Specify the HTML tag to render instead of the default tag
StringValue to place in the 'title' attribute of the tag. Will also be used for the tag content if no default slot provided
String'secondary'Applies one of the Bootstrap theme color variants to the component


default Content to place in the tag. Overrides the `title` prop


remove Emitted when the remove button is clicked

Importing individual components

You can import individual components into your project via the following named exports:

Named Export
Import Path


import { BFormTags } from 'bootstrap-vue'
Vue.component('b-form-tags', BFormTags)

Importing as a Vue.js plugin

This plugin includes all of the above listed individual components. Plugins also include any component aliases.

Named Export
Import Path


import { FormTagsPlugin } from 'bootstrap-vue'