
Documentation and examples for opting images (via <b-img> component) into responsive behavior (so they never become larger than their parent elements), optionally adding lightweight styles to them — all via props.

BootstrapVue's image components support rounded images, thumbnail styling, alignment, and even the ability to create blank images with an optional solid background color. Support for lazy loaded images is available via the <b-img-lazy> complimentary component.

Image src resolving

The src prop (and blank-src prop of <b-img-lazy>), out of the box, works only with absolute or fully-qualified-domain-name URLs. If you are using project assets as image sources, please refer to Component img src resolving for configuring vue-loader to understand custom component props that specify image sources.

Styling images

Several props are available for styling the rendered image element. The following sub-sections cover the various options.

Responsive images

Images in BootstrapVue can be made responsive with the fluid prop (which sets max-width: 100%; height: auto; via CSS classes) so that it scales with the parent element - up to the maximum native width of the image.

  <b-img src="" fluid alt="Responsive image"></b-img>

<!-- b-img-fluid.vue -->

To make a fluid image that will grow to fill the width of its container, use the fluid-grow prop. Note this may cause blurring on small bitmap images.

  <h5>Small image with <code>fluid</code>:</h5>
  <b-img src="" fluid alt="Fluid image"></b-img>

  <h5 class="my-3">Small image with <code>fluid-grow</code>:</h5>
  <b-img src="" fluid-grow alt="Fluid-grow image"></b-img>

<!-- b-img-fluid-grow.vue -->

Use the block prop to force the image to display as a block element rather than the browser default of inline-block element.

Note: In Internet Explorer 10, SVG images with fluid are disproportionately sized. To fix this, add the style width: 100% \9; where necessary. This fix improperly sizes other image formats, so Bootstrap v4 doesn't apply it automatically.

Image thumbnails

You can use prop thumbnail to give an image a rounded light border appearance.

<b-container fluid class="p-4 bg-dark">
      <b-img thumbnail fluid src="" alt="Image 1"></b-img>
      <b-img thumbnail fluid src="" alt="Image 2"></b-img>
      <b-img thumbnail fluid src="" alt="Image 3"></b-img>

<!-- b-img-thumbnail.vue -->

Rounded corners

You can control which corners are rounded by setting the rounded prop to one of the following values:

  • true (or prop present with no value): round all corners
  • false (or prop not present): no explicit rounding or corners (default)
  • 'top': round the top corners
  • 'right': round the right corners
  • 'bottom': round the bottom corners
  • 'left': round the left corners
  • 'circle': make a circle (if square image) or oval (if not square) border
  • '0': explicitly turn off rounding of corners
    <b-img v-bind="mainProps" rounded alt="Rounded image"></b-img>
    <b-img v-bind="mainProps" rounded="top" alt="Top-rounded image"></b-img>
    <b-img v-bind="mainProps" rounded="right" alt="Right-rounded image"></b-img>
    <b-img v-bind="mainProps" rounded="bottom" alt="Bottom-rounded image"></b-img>
    <b-img v-bind="mainProps" rounded="left" alt="Left-rounded image"></b-img>
    <b-img v-bind="mainProps" rounded="circle" alt="Circle image"></b-img>
    <b-img v-bind="mainProps" rounded="0" alt="Not rounded image"></b-img>

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        mainProps: { blank: true, blankColor: '#777', width: 75, height: 75, class: 'm1' }

<!-- b-img-rounded.vue -->

Aligning images

Align images with the boolean props left (floats left) right(floats right), and center (auto left+right margins). You can also center images by placing them in a container that has the class text-center.

Left an Right aligned (float):

<div class="clearfix">
  <b-img left src="" alt="Left image"></b-img>
  <b-img right src="" alt="Right image"></b-img>

<!-- b-img-left-right.vue -->

Center aligned (block):

  <b-img center src="" alt="Center image"></b-img>

<!-- b-img-center.vue -->

Note: left takes precedence over right which takes precedence over center.

Blank (or solid color) images

<b-img> provides built-in support for generating blank images (transparent by default) of any width and height, by setting the blank prop, and specifying width and height values (in pixels). You can apply any of the other <b-img> props to change the style/behavior of the generated image.

Use the blank-color prop to set the blank image color. The blank-colorprop can accept any CSS color value:

  • Named colors — i.e. orange or blue
  • Hex colors — i.e. #FF9E2C
  • RGB and RGBa colors — i.e. rgb(255, 158, 44) and rgba(255, 158, 44, .5)
  • HSL and HSLa colors — i.e. hsl(32, 100%, 59%) and hsla(32, 100%, 59%, .5)

The default blank-color is transparent.

    <b-img v-bind="mainProps" alt="Transparent image"></b-img>
    <b-img v-bind="mainProps" blank-color="#777" alt="HEX shorthand color image (#777)"></b-img>
    <b-img v-bind="mainProps" blank-color="red" alt="Named color image (red)"></b-img>
    <b-img v-bind="mainProps" blank-color="black" alt="Named color image (black)"></b-img>
    <b-img v-bind="mainProps" blank-color="#338833" alt="HEX color image"></b-img>
    <b-img v-bind="mainProps" blank-color="rgba(128, 255, 255, 0.5)" alt="RGBa color image"></b-img>
    <b-img v-bind="mainProps" blank-color="#88f" alt="HEX shorthand color (#88f)"></b-img>

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        mainProps: { blank: true, width: 75, height: 75, class: 'm1' }

<!-- b-img-blank.vue -->


  • In blank image mode, if only one of width or height is set, the image will be have both width and height set to the same value.
  • In blank image mode, if width and height are not set, both width and height will internally be set to 1.
  • The blank prop takes precedence over the src prop. If you set both and later set blank to false the image specified in src will then be displayed.
  • Blank images are rendered using SVG image data URLs.
  • The width and height props will also apply the width and height attributes to the rendered <img> tag, even if blank is not set.

srcset support

<b-img> supports the srcset and sizes attributes on images. The props accept either a string value, or an array of strings (the array of strings will be converted into a single string separated by commas).

For details on usage of these attributes, refer to MDN's Responsive Images guide.


  • If the blank prop is set, then srcset and sizes props are ignored
  • IE 11 does not support srcset and sizes, so ensure you have a value for the src prop
  • Vue-loader does not support project relative URLs (asset URLs) on the srcset attribute. Instead use require(...) to resolve the individual URL paths. Be cautious of creating a string of data URI's longer than supported by the maximum attribute value length of the browser. If your webpack config has a limit for the url-loader and you want to prevent inline data-urls, you may have to overwrite the loader limits: require('!!url-loader?limit=0!./assets/photo.jpg')
  • Support for srcset and sizes was added in release 2.1.0

Lazy loaded images

Use our complementary <b-img-lazy> image component (based on <b-img>) to lazy load images as they are scrolled into view (or within offset pixels of the viewport).

Lazy loading images uses IntersectionObserver if supported by the browser (or via a polyfill) to detect when the image should be shown. If IntersectionObserver support is not detected, then the image will always be shown.


Set the src prop to the URL of the image you want loaded lazily, and either specify a placeholder image URL via the prop blank-src, or have a blank placeholder image generated for you by leaving blank-src as null.

Specify the width and height of the placeholder via the blank-width and blank-height props. If these props are not set, then they will fall back to the width and height props (which are applied to the image specified via src).

Control the generated blank image color by setting the prop blank-color.

Placeholder images (either explicitly provided, or dynamically generated) should have the same width and height values, or at least the same aspect ratio, as the src image.

Feel free to use the fluid, fluid-grow, thumbnail, and rounded props of <b-img>.

The offset prop specifies the number of pixels that an image needs to be near to the viewport to trigger it to be shown. The default value is 360.

The throttle prop controls how long (in ms) after a scroll (or resize, or orientationchange, or transitionend) event happens before checking if the image has come within view (or within offset of view). The default is 100 (ms). throttle has no effect if IntersectionObserver support is detected.

Once an image has come into view and is shown, the event listeners and/or Intersection Observer are removed.

Example usage:

    <b-img-lazy v-bind="mainProps" :src="getImageUrl(80)" alt="Image 1"></b-img-lazy>
    <b-img-lazy v-bind="mainProps" :src="getImageUrl(82)" alt="Image 2"></b-img-lazy>
    <b-img-lazy v-bind="mainProps" :src="getImageUrl(84)" alt="Image 3"></b-img-lazy>
    <b-img-lazy v-bind="mainProps" :src="getImageUrl(85)" alt="Image 4"></b-img-lazy>
    <b-img-lazy v-bind="mainProps" :src="getImageUrl(88)" alt="Image 5"></b-img-lazy>
    <b-img-lazy v-bind="mainProps" :src="getImageUrl(90)" alt="Image 6"></b-img-lazy>
    <b-img-lazy v-bind="mainProps" :src="getImageUrl(92)" alt="Image 7"></b-img-lazy>
    <b-img-lazy v-bind="mainProps" :src="getImageUrl(94)" alt="Image 8"></b-img-lazy>

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        mainProps: {
          center: true,
          fluidGrow: true,
          blank: true,
          blankColor: '#bbb',
          width: 600,
          height: 400,
          class: 'my-5'
    methods: {
      getImageUrl(imageId) {
        const { width, height } = this.mainProps
        return `${width}/${height}/?image=${imageId}`

<!-- b-img-lazy.vue -->

Force show of lazy loaded image

To force the final image to be shown, set the show prop to true. The show prop supports the Vue .sync modifier, and will be updated to true when the final image is shown.

Lazy loaded srcset support

<b-img-lazy> supports setting the srcset and sizes attributes on the rendered <img> element. These props will only be applied to the image once it has come into view.

See srcset support above for prop usage details and limitations.

Support for srcset and sizes was added in release 2.1.0.

Component reference


All property default values are globally configurable.

(Click to sort Ascending)
(Click to sort Ascending)
StringValue to set for the `alt` attribute
BooleanfalseCreates a blank/transparent image via an SVG data URI
String'transparent'Sets the color of the blank image to the CSS color value specified
BooleanfalseForces the image to display as a block element rather than the browser default of inline-block element
BooleanfalseCenters the image horizontally
BooleanfalseMakes the image responsive. The image will shrink as needed or grow up the the image's native width
BooleanfalseSimilar to the 'fluid' prop, but allows the image to scale up past its native width
Number or StringThe value to set on the image's 'height' attribute
BooleanfalseFloats the image to the left when set
BooleanfalseFloats the image to the right when set
Boolean or StringfalseWhen set to 'true', makes the image corners slightly rounded. Can also be used to disable rounded corners or make the image a circle/oval. See docs for details
Array or StringOne or more strings separated by commas (or an array of strings), indicating a set of source sizes. Optionally used in combination with the srcset prop
StringURL to set for the `src` attribute
Array or StringOne or more strings separated by commas (or an array of strings), indicating possible image sources for the user agent to use
BooleanfalseAdds a thumbnail border around the image
Number or StringThe value to set on the image's 'width' attribute



All property default values are globally configurable.

(Click to sort Ascending)
(Click to sort Ascending)
StringValue to set for the `alt` attribute
String'transparent'Sets the color of the blank placeholder image to the CSS color value specified
Number or StringThe value to set on the placeholder image's 'height' attribute. Defaults to value of the 'height' prop
StringnullPlaceholder image instead of a blank image
Number or StringThe value to set on the placeholder image's 'width' attribute. Defaults to value of the 'width' prop
BooleanfalseForces the image to display as a block element rather than the browser default of inline-block element
BooleanfalseCenters the image horizontally
BooleanfalseMakes the image responsive. The image will shrink as needed or grow up the the image's native width
BooleanfalseSimilar to the 'fluid' prop, but allows the image to scale up past its native width
Number or StringThe value to set on the image's 'height' attribute
BooleanfalseFloats the image to the left when set
Number or String360Number of pixels away from the viewport edge before the lazy image is loaded
BooleanfalseFloats the image to the right when set
Boolean or StringfalseWhen set to 'true', makes the image corners slightly rounded. Can also be used to disable rounded corners or make the image a circle/oval. See docs for details
BooleanfalseIf set to true, will force show the image specified via the 'src' prop
Array or StringOne or more strings separated by commas (or an array of strings), indicating a set of source sizes. Optionally used in combination with the srcset prop
StringURL to set for the `src` attribute
Array or StringOne or more strings separated by commas (or an array of strings), indicating possible image sources for the user agent to use
BooleanfalseAdds a thumbnail border around the image
Number or StringThe value to set on the image's 'width' attribute

Importing individual components

You can import individual components into your project via the following named exports:

Named Export
Import Path


import { BImg } from 'bootstrap-vue'
Vue.component('b-img', BImg)

Importing as a Vue.js plugin

This plugin includes all of the above listed individual components. Plugins also include any component aliases.

Named Export
Import Path


import { ImagePlugin } from 'bootstrap-vue'